强制性学生费用被定义为所有学生支付的费用, as required by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents, or as required by 新葡京博彩, subject to approval by the Board of Regents.

强制性费用是必要的,以提供全面的学生服务,支持学术环境. 新葡京博彩的收费和收费政策都经过精心设置,以提供最好的服务, to the widest possible range of students, at a reasonable cost. 大学学费提高了新葡京博彩学生的体验和新葡京博彩社区的质量.

When taking any on-campus classes, mandatory fees are assessed by using all hours attempted, including Online (Net) and eCore classes.

Below is a description of each mandatory fee

学生活动费支持大学的许多课外活动, including, but not limited to the Center for Student Involvement, newspaper, other student publications, university television, debate team, drama and music programs, fine arts, art exhibits, intramurals, student research grants, the Student Government Association, and select other student organizations and activities.  More information is on the Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Student Fees page.  Each Spring, 部门和组织可以申请下一年的费用, 学生分配费用预算分配委员会. 在提出建议之前,SAFBA委员会花了很多时间审查申请并听取请愿者的陈述.

体育费支持大学的校际体育项目.  支付费用的学生可以免费参加所有体育项目的所有常规赛.  Intercollegiate sports for women include basketball, cross country, volleyball, softball, soccer, and golf; and for men, baseball, basketball, football, cross country, and golf.  For more information on 新葡京博彩 sports, go to www.uwgathletics.com/. 关于体育费用资金的具体问题应直接向体育管理办公室询问.

健康费为学生提供校园医疗服务,由致力于学生健康和保健的医疗专业人员团队提供. 该费用包括许多服务,而其他服务则需要额外收费.  如欲了解更多有关服务及收费的资料,请浏览新葡京博彩 Health Services page.

作为保健费的一部分,学生可获得免费的学术、医疗和受害者辩护服务.  训练有素的辩护律师和一名性侵犯护士审查员24小时待命,为性侵犯受害者提供服务, intimate partner violence, and/or stalking.

保健费还提供了关于酒精和其他毒品等主题的各种正在进行的预防教育方案, highway safety, sexual health, violence prevention, and overall wellness.  These programs are conducted by the Health Education Team.

卫生服务部门还承担着许多与校园健康和安全相关的角色. These include monitoring immunization requirements, providing annual influenza vaccines for the campus community, maintaining current pandemic plans in preparation for communicable health outbreaks; remaining current in best practices for student health concerns, 并与校园和社区一起参与所有紧急和危机应对工作. 

有关健康中心的许多服务和新葡京博彩的营业时间的更多信息, please visit the 新葡京博彩 Health Services site.

注意:当学生必须转介到校外医疗人员或设施时,医疗费不包括服务费用.  It also does not provide insurance coverage.

这笔费用用于购买直接使学生受益的教学技术. 这包括教室技术,如投影仪和智能板, software applications, library databases, and computer hardware. 欲了解更多信息并查看资助项目列表,请访问 http://apps.rurupa.com/techfees/.

这笔费用包括每个学生的车辆停车许可证和校园班车服务的费用. 交通费确保有足够的停车位,并且交通流量允许学生及时通过校园(例如, you may not ride the bus, but because other students do, 校园不那么拥挤,停车也更方便。. 不像一些机构,这里没有额外的停车许可证费用. 更多关于停车和交通的信息可以在 新葡京博彩 Parking and Transportation Services site.

最先进的校园中心为学生活动提供了一个场所, informal recreation, intramural sports, personal fitness and wellness activities, meeting friends, and hanging out between classes. It includes a 13,000-square-foot fitness center, aerobics rooms, 2 free-play basketball courts, an indoor track, climbing wall, game room, a ballroom to seat 500 banquet-style and 800 auditorium-style, meeting rooms, the offices of Student Activities and Recreation, and casual seating areas.

As a part of your fee, students receive a free Campus Center membership, 这意味着他们可以免费使用健身和游戏室设施(教职员工可以为家属购买会员资格)。.

There are no state funds available to build facilities like this, 所以2003-2004年学生会协会投票决定用学生的学费来资助这个项目, following two years of research, including two surveys of students. They believed this was an important investment in 新葡京博彩’s future. 新葡京博彩房地产基金会随后出资3000万美元建造了这座大楼, with a 25-year payback time, meaning a portion of the student fee goes to pay that “mortgage.“剩下的费用用于资助大楼的运营成本, 包括购买设备和支付许多学生工作人员的工资.  For more information on the Campus Center, go to the University Recreation (UREC) site

这笔费用用于足球场的建设和运营, soccer field, and softball field.  The entire project cost $29 million. No state funds are available for these types of projects. The City of Carrollton donated 280 acres for the project; more than $5 million was raised in private donations; and the 2008-2009 Student Government Association voted to fund the remaining $24 million through student fees, 因为他们相信这个项目对新葡京博彩来说是必不可少的,因为这所大学的地位越来越高,越来越成为全州学生的目的地机构. 新葡京博彩房地产基金会资助了这座体育场,学生的学费支付了“抵押贷款”.”

在线学习费用是一项新的强制性费用,由乔治亚州所有大学系统机构的评议委员会批准. 这项强制性费用适用于所有100%在线学习课程的学生. 这笔费用的目的是支持为学生提供的各种校园服务. 支付此费用的学生将可以完全使用所有校园服务, including but not limited to - Campus Center Gym, Athletic Events, Parking/Transportation, various software licenses, etc.

This fee helps fund the Study Abroad Scholarship Fund.

For more information on fees see our document, What Are Mandatory Fees? (PDF, 70K).